metric ton

美 [ˌmetrɪk ˈtʌn]英 [ˌmetrɪk ˈtʌn]
  • n.公吨(1公吨等于1,000千克)

复数: metric tons

metric tonmetric ton

metric ton


  • 1
    N-COUNT 公吨(1公吨等于1,000公斤)
    A metric ton is 1,000 kilograms.

    The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year...



a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms
Synonym: MT tonne t


  1. With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50 % per metric ton over the last year in some places , human waste is an attractive , and often necessary , alternative .


  2. I suggest around US $ 380 per metric ton CIF Guangzhou .


  3. The new increase would see contract prices for iron ore range around $ 140 a metric ton .


  4. In a year , your share of the solid waste amounts to nearly one metric ton .


  5. We have accepted your price of $ 500 per metric ton for aluminum sheet .


  6. One carbon credit equals one metric ton of carbon-dioxide or other equivalent greenhouse gases .


  7. The price is less than half the prevailing world sugar price of nearly $ 800 per metric ton .


  8. To implement our promise , we are cable you an offer for 20 metric ton cotton .


  9. No. we normally refer to metric ton .


  10. We make a counter-offer to you of $ 150 per metric ton FOB London .


  11. They bid $ 1780 per metric ton but some competitors outbid them .


  12. An iron ship , Professor Aronnax , runs 1125 francs per metric ton .


  13. The price is less than half the prevailing world sugar price of nearly $ 800per metric ton .


  14. That is about a50 percent increase from the previous government 's policy guaranteeing farmers $ 330 per metric ton .


  15. As far as tin ore slime is concerned , throughput is 30 ~ 35 metric ton per unit per day .


  16. The above-quoted prices are all on the basis of CIF Copenhagen net per metric ton .


  17. Thereinto , according to G20 scenario , the world market price of the cotton is depressed about 47.21 $ / metric ton .


  18. Spot market prices for iron ore are about $ 70 a metric ton , compared with $ 200 a metric ton this summer .


  19. Last year it managed to lock in170,000 tons of such fuel at an average price of $ 244.7 per metric ton .


  20. We are unable to entertain your counter-offer of US $ 1240 per metric ton CIF Rotterdam .


  21. Polymer flooding has been widely adopted in Daqing Oilfield to enhanced oil recovery . In 2001 , 8 million metric ton crude oil was produced by polymer flooding .


  22. For example , Price said , the 160 - metric ton blue whale evolved a huge mouth allowing it to eat millions of tiny krill each day .


  23. China will levy a tax of8 to20 yuan on every metric ton of coking coal sold and0.3 to5 yuan a ton for other coal grades .


  24. This paper introduced the trial industrial application of BCG catalyst in a Unipol gas phase linear low density polyethylene ( LLDPE ) plant with capacity of 200 , 000 metric ton per year .


  25. Now , the Chinese economy is slowing and so is its steel industry . That has sent the price of coal used for steelmaking down nearly 50 % to $ 170 a metric ton .


  26. The World Food Program says it cannot afford to buy food with the money it has . For example , it notes the price of a metric ton of rice has more than doubled since March .


  27. Since having this idea more than 10 years ago , Snyder has managed to collect $ 21,495 in loose change weighing more than 1 metric ton , reported the Herald Tribune .


  28. Thanks to Chinese demand , the price for premium metallurgical coal , whose low-ash and low-sulfur content makes it ideal for steelmaking , hit a record $ 330 a metric ton in early 2011 .


  29. China increased the base price of gasoline and diesel by1,000 yuan ( US $ 145.35 ) a metric ton and raised prices paid to refiners for jet fuel by1,500 yuan , effective Friday .


  30. The price of iron ore , Australia 's largest single export , has dropped by a third in the past two months . Tuesday it fell to US $ 86.90 a dry metric ton , its lowest level since October 2009 .
